
Johansbuda was built in 1954 by the family Valderhaug Johansgarden on Valderøy. They owned boats Eljan, Real and Real 1 and was therefore called for Realbuda. It was built a 35 meter long pier in relation to buda that scheduled boats could add here. The pier is still intact and is an asset for the house.

1 floor:
Here is a large hall with seating for groups of 30 to 40 persons. In this "mixing area"is also a theater dressing room, toilet and a kitchen. From the first floor there is direct access to the pier.

2 floor:
Here is the very large hall with stage. The audience sat around small tables / dining tables is here place for between 80 and 90 persons. If we sit in the cinema rows it is obviously room for more.

3 floor:
Here is Valderøy Historical Museum with exhibitions "Valderøy at war 1940-1945", "Valderøy in 1905" and the fishing boat Gallery.
Besøk Johansbuda her

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